One Whole Day

I went a whole day without posting on my blog! Can you even believe it? It just seems a little rude to stare at my computer while my little mom is here visiting me. Anyway, RGR shouted at me over IM to update, so I thought I would stop in for a minute to say hello to my blogger friends.

A good bit of the past two days has been spent in my car. Picking my mom up at JFK, which should have taken approximately 3 hours round trip ended up taking five because I got lost about eighteen times. Every single episode of lostness was in NJ, so it had nothing to do with city driving, it just had to do with NJ's sucky roads and signage.

Mom's been paying for everything since she got here. We haven't bought a lot, but sometimes it's nice to feel like a kid again. Last night we went to Wal-Mart, Target, and Wegmans (I HEART WEGMANS!). Today, we drove an hour to IKEA and came back with a desk lamp and some candles, when all I wanted was a chair and a cheap cheap cheap book case.

Since returning from our fruitless trek to IKEA, we've been continuing to organize my room and separate the stuff that's going from the stuff that's staying. I will post some pictures later of the keen decorating job me and my mom have done. It's sort of dorm chic (HA!), meaning corny and hopelessly mismatched...not to mention bare.

Now on to Wegmans Chinese food. WOOT!


hip2b said...

I've been away but will probably meet you Sunday afternoon at the CRW retreat. Glad the move in went well. We go to church at Plainsboro Pres and I'm teaching sunday school at 10 a.m.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'll try to find you. I'm pretty recognizable from my picture on here. Anyway, it looks like we have the same name...