I Don't Like To Do Things

As I sat to write this and tried to think of something to type, I realized that I might need to start doing stuff that's worth reading about.

Today I...
woke up a little after 6.
wrote some boring stuff in my journal.
watched an episode of the newest show I've become obsessed with, Miranda. Best. British. SitCom. Ever.
ate some breakfast.
tidied other bits of the apartment.
watched twelve, that's 12, more episodes of Miranda. (Did I mention I love this show?)
made some lunch as a break from watching Miranda.
had Burger King for dinner.

And, now, I'm sitting in my fluffy, blue plaid chair watching Supernatural (for the umpteenth time - I've started having dreams about Sam and Dean on a regular basis), and thinking about my long run tomorrow.

Of course, there's plenty of putzing on Facebook and Twitter throughout the day, too. I have almost no IRL social life. Most of the people I'd choose to spend time with are scattered about the country and sometimes I wonder if I prefer it that way. And running has conveniently allowed me to turn down many invitations due to early wake-up times.

I like being at home. I'm comfortable being by myself. But...

I need to start meeting people and doing things for many reasons, including a) I want to live a full life with real, regular, non-work-related human interaction and b) I'd like a real reason to write so that you don't get bored reading recitations of my everyday activities.

Or, maybe I'll just start making things up. Most of you will never know the difference.


Unknown said...

dear bert,

of all the things to comment on, this post is probably not the one you would expect (maybe congratulations for running races? for being super-awesome-runner-woman?), but nevertheless....

i would like to let you know that i would TOTALLY know if you were making things up. well, some things. for example, if you wrote that you had joined a hula competition and were shooting for the nationals, i would think that was probably bogus. if you wrote that you had read les miserables in one afternoon i would know that was bogus for sure. if you had said that you watched all of psych seasons 1-6 in the space of 2 days, i would know that was bogus... i know from personal experience that it takes at least a week, unless you are devoting all your time to it. it's a big commitment.

keeping it real,

Kate said...

Ernie, clearly your observations are the very reason I said "most" people wouldn't know the difference. :) Btw, competitive hula is totally in the works. How did you know? I did watch all of Psych in 2 days; it's amazing what you can accomplish with two TV's. And I might be able to read an abridged version of Les Mis in an afternoon... Okay, nevermind, that one's impossible. Oh, Hugo, and his verbal diarrhea.

Realer than real,

Abigail said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I would definitely not know the difference, and I look forward to all the exciting things you do (I'll believe that you do them, don't worry).

Kate said...

If I do make things up, I'll probably just end up admitting I did, anyway.