Cleaning the Basement

Hoarding may become compulsive.
I could try to manufacture some deep lesson or insight from the idea of cleaning a basement but, today, I was literally cleaning out our basement at work. The division I work for had a lot of stuff stored down there and we needed to store some other stuff. So, we bribed volunteers with the promise of pizza lunch on Friday and a passel of folks joined me this morning to haul many boxes up to our conference room/staging area and many out to the dumpster.

I've been wanting to do this cleanup since the moment I saw our basement. Today's work was cathartic.

The moving was done by late morning. The organizing was done shortly after lunch. Tomorrow, my co-workers will get to take the things they want and, if there is anything leftover, we will figure out what to do with it next.

For now, I'm tired. I think an early bedtime is in order. I'll save deep and insightful for another time.

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