Is It a Sign?

Yesterday, I spent approximately 5 hours studying Hebrew. Last night/early this morning, I had a dream/nightmare about the Hebrew quiz I'll be taking this afternoon. Instead of our wonderful preceptor, Rachel, there was a mean man administering the much-inflated exam. Instead of the vocab words I'd studied to death, we were forming sentences with words I'd never seen before. It. was. awful.

Ayn and aleph are the bane of my existence!


Julie said...

True story: I once got angry at my unconscious for sending me senseless dreams, and told it that if it had anything worthwhile to say, it should write a book that I could read while I was sleeping.

The next night, I dreamed that I found a really important book about myself on my dining table, but it was all written in Hebrew and I couldn't read it because I hadn't studied hard enough.

Kate said...

Wow...ummm, have you ever considered intensive psychotherapy? ;)

Julie said...

I didn't until I took Hebrew. Now, I think it might be necessary. :o)