My dear friend from Buffalo, Andrea, sent my a lovely care package today. In the midst of studying for my first quiz in Hebrew, it was a welcome diversion. Andrea's creativity came through on the inside and outside of the package.

She included some poetry, of course...

And booze (she works at a giant liquor store, after all)...

Along with a hearty helping of other fun, nonsensical things!

The first page of the notebook was a letter from Andrea, which included the best way to drink each of the sample bottles of liquor.
Thank you, A and K, my week has been made! WOOT WOOT!!!


Anonymous said...

well dear sweet goodness, i do believe i've been outdone....must remedy that situation :)

Kate said...

I am all for fueling the fires of competition in this regard, but chances are Andrea didn't even know that you sent me anything because I don't think she spends much time keeping up with my blog. However, if you are interested in upping the ante, there are several sets of iPod speakers whose purchase I have been contemplating... JK :P

irishtater said...

Hey you...

I am infuriated by this post. Could you read it and give me a reply that I can steer the original poster to? I am not a woman with a calling on my life so I don't have the passion that is necessary or articulation to formulate an argument - just anger.