To Be Or Not To Be...A Priest

I don't know if any of you have heard about the recent A&E reality mini-series, God or the Girl, but it seems to have caused quite a bit of controversy. From the little bit that I've watched, the title seems to be more of a publicity stunt than anything else. It's actually about four young Catholic men who are trying to discern whether they are called to be priests.

Two of the four men are in pretty serious relationships with women. So, they are technically choosing between the priesthood and marriage, but it's not as if they are choosing between women and their faith.

I don't have a whole lot to say about the show as I haven't watched a whole lot of it, but I am DVRing the entire series this coming Sunday, so I probably have more thoughts on the show after I watch the entire thing. Most of the people who have given their opinions seem to think this show was respectful to the church and the young men.

For now, if you're interested, here are some articles about it:
from the Wahington Post,
and FOXNews,
and Spero News,
and a review from Variety,
some thoughts from The Tidings,
finally, the take from Catholic Online.

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