Podcasts Wanted!

For the past couple of days, I have been trying to find some quality Christian podcasts. All of the music ones I’ve tried have been dismal. So far, all I have discovered is that Christian indie is nothing at all like secular indie. Naturally, I had assumed this would be the case, but I still had hope deep down in my heart that I might find some really good Christian music on podcast, maybe stuff that was just too good to be signed to a Christian label. (Cynicism, thy name is Katie. Don’t be fooled, I own every album of at least 10 different bands/artists who are signed to Christian labels.)

Anyway, I’ve also been less than impressed by the content of the non-music Christian podcasts. The choices are either Sunday sermons recorded and released to the public or random guys sharing their rambling thoughts on various topics. The second set of people are really making a solid attempt at filling a void, but I can only listen to a limited number of rambling diatribes by the same person before I want to cut my ears off. I enjoy the content, but the presentation could be improved dramatically if there was creative input from someone other than Random Guy. The worst part is that people start these things and then give up after 9 or 10 episodes. Where’s the commitment?!

The problem with this rant, though, is that I’m not contributing anything to the world of podcasts. Don’t worry, I’m not saying that I’m going to start a podcast because that would be the most boring podcast in the world. I wouldn’t listen to it, for goodness’ sake. But, if anyone in my reading audience knows of any really great Christian podcasts, please please please direct me to them. Even if they aren’t Christian, tell me. I am in love with my iPod and I need to feed it new things every day…and I just can’t afford to buy new music every day.

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