The Book Sale

It was a success. The goal was $30,000 to split between four seminaries and, last I heard, we got about $29,500.

Next year, I will probably be a bit more involved in the whole process because Jordan is being groomed as the next "book sale person." So, most likely, I will be working at the book sale whether I want to or not ;). Fortunately, I want to... Maybe in special collections; greater prestige and all that.

Cleaning up the place was a little depressing. There were probably 100 boxes of books that went directly to the recycling center. Most of them were trash that should never have been printed, but I'm sure that there were many good books tossed away at the same time. I guess there's only so much you can do. When I found a book called Redemptorama, I stopped looking at what I was throwing away.

Anyway, if you live anywhere near NJ and have books that you might want to get rid of in the next year or so, bring 'em down, we could use them.

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