A Walking Contradiction

I prefer self-checkout to cashiers, automated telephone systems or websites to customer service representatives, ATMs to bank tellers. If there is any way to complete a transaction with little or no human interaction, that is the way I choose.

At the same time, I decry the lack of community in American society. I'm irritated that people no longer smile and say hello on the street. It's bothersome that neighbors don't know each other's name, let alone enjoy each other's company.

I am a walking contradiction. I prefer the tidiness of non-human interaction. Clicking a box on my computer screen or punching a few buttons on my telephone is so much less demanding than going to a store or a bank. However, staying at home, staring at my computer is no way to foster the sense of community I desire.

Jordan has silently called me to account on this issue several times. He doesn't know it, but every time he goes to the bank instead of the ATM or exchanges a friendly word with a cashier, I am challenged to be more consistent. So, instead of making the typical New Year's resolutions to sleep more, exercise more, and eat less, I resolve to choose human interaction over non-human in as many situations as possible.

Happy New Year, everyone! What are your hopes for the New Year?


Sue said...

I'm seriously introverted. It just makes more sense to me to go to the ATM. The whole "line-up-with-all-the-sheep-and-make-nice" thing just exhausts me. Why would I do that to myself?

I interact with people six out of seven days a week. Ministry is SO about being out there with people, which is great, because it stretches me in the right way. But when it comes to my day off and running errands around town, I reserve the right to be as introverted as I please.

I completely understand your challenge! Good luck!

Kate said...

I can definitely understand why you would need some down time after six days in the pastor role. I, on the other hand, spend most of my time with my books...

hip2b said...

Love your resolution!

Kate said...

Thanks, HPW2B, I put it into practice this very night when I went to the grocery store. Normally I would zip right through the self checkout...this time I went to a normal line.

Just Sarah said...

I have to say that there is something about efficiency...I prefer the e-mail, the ATM, expedia, etc. only when it is quicker and more accurate. Otherwise, I prefer the human, unless they are incompetant....which many are.

I like faxes. It's electronic, doesn't require multiple trips to the copier/scanner and someone should pick it up on the other end. And, of course, you get to sign you name with flourish, which is more personal than a PDF signature or funky font.

Hmm, on the community front, I had a dinner party last night that was really good. I actually introduced important people in my life to others...maybe they will all find each other as marvelous as I find each of them?

Oh, Happy New Year Kate!