I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

The Weather Channel Desktop was flashing when I got back from class. Middlesex County (that's where Princeton is) has a SEVERE weather alert on for tonight. Apparently, it's going to be colder than it has been and we might even get some flurries.

It's December, folks! I think someone needs to check the dictionary for the meaning of "severe."


Anonymous said...

ha.. weather warnings are such a random and relative thing. when i spent a summer in the desert in wyoming i would often hear warnings of severe thunderstorms. in kansas that means "don't be outside and watch for tornadoes." in wyoming that means it may rain for ten minutes... if you're lucky

Melissa said...

In my experience here in NJ, a "severe" weather alert can mean anything from a cold snap to monstrous storms.

Kate said...

I guess coming from the frozen north, I have a slightly skewed view of what might be rightly called "severe weather," but this certainly is not it. Maybe they should have a "seasonal weather" warning for NJ residents.