Weigh-In Wednesday

No, I'm not going to start regaling you with the ups and downs of the scale each Wednesday. In fact, I'm not even going to tell you the number I saw on the scale today. Though, I will tell you that it was headed in the direction I prefer and that was reassuring since I'm making a concerted effort to eat more healthily.

Actually, I wanted to write about something that happened after I weighed myself.

I wasn't dreading the scale, as I know some people do. In fact, I felt victorious that I'd remembered to step on it at all.

When I stepped off, I was standing in front of the large mirror in our bathroom. As I have a tendency to do, I was examining the bits of myself I might like to change and admiring the bits of which I'm most proud.

Then I looked up and was staring directly into my own eyes. For just a moment, it was as if I was looking at myself in the way I observe others rather than with the hyper-critical gaze I usually reserve for my self.

And, as I do when I meet others' eyes, I smiled. Then, as often happens when others smile back, my grin broadened. Then, I started laughing as it sunk in that I was having this pleasant interaction with my own reflection.

What better way to start the day than looking at yourself and thinking, "She looks friendly. I'd certainly like to spend some time getting to know that woman"?

It's my intention to cultivate a more friendly relationship with myself. Hopefully, it will include many more instances of laughing with myself in the mirror.

Have you ever had an unself-conscious encounter with yourself? I'd love to hear about it.
How have you made peace with the bits you might like to change?


ctf said...

I have been thinking about the love verses in 1 Corinthians and asking myself if I am applying them toward myself. It is a good lens to look through.

Kate said...

That's a good thought, Stacey. It's amazing what a difference it makes to see oneself, even if only for a moment, through someone else's eyes. Seems like our Creator would be particularly merciful and kind to us.

Ali K. said...

I've never experienced something like that, but once in awhile I surprise myself by having a genuinely positive reaction to what I see in the mirror. Usually, though, I avoid mirrors! Not on purpose...it just happens! I'm glad you had this kind of awesome experience.

Kate said...

As long as my hair isn't greasy and I haven't forgotten to pluck my chin hairs for too long, I'm generally okay with what I see in the mirror. At the same time, I try not to spend too much time staring into them because who's got time for that? :)