Another Hoop

There is a requirement here at Princeton Theological Seminary that all students complete two field education placements. As of now, the middle of my third semester, I have still not even seriously contemplated how I am going to fulfill this requirement. Recently, in the midst of finding so little motivation to do my schoolwork that it's unbelievable, I've begun to think that a good way to "fulfill" said requirement would be to drop out.

I know I won't actually drop out of school, but it seems a pretty tempting option sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I might suggest the same solution for completing the systematic midterm, any and all preaching requirements, and solving the problem of required meal plans...

Kate said...

Thanks for that suggestion. Are you trying to convince me to quit? Do you want me to leave, dead Anonymous?

nukediver said...

"Don't worry so much about it" would be my sage advice. I'm a Senior up the road at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Not only do I carry 9-12 credits a semester, at night, but I also hold down a full-time career in environmental science. Oh, and have been doing field ed 3 years now. Trust that God will take you where you need to go :-)