Three and a Half Years

Three and a half years doesn't sound like much, but being away from school for that amount of time has really made an impact on my ability to concentrate and study. The past two years in DC were especially detrimental to my study habits, as I spent a good part of most days keeping myself entertained because there was little or no work to be done (busyness was "seasonal" at my office).

Since beginning classes, I've found it difficult to remember that there are tasks to be completed outside of lecture. Reading and writing often catch me by surprise. I've been especially forgetful of the work that is required to learn a new language, especially one with a completely different alphabet. We have out first quiz in my Hebrew class tomorrow afternoon and it is going to completely kick me in the shins. Not only do we need to know nearly 50 vocabulary terms (English to Hebrew and Hebrew to English), but how to pluralize them and add prepositions. It's going to be a disaster and I'm trying to be okay with that.

I also have my first assignment for speech class which involves a three or four minute presentation of a childhood memory. Perhaps I'll share it on my blog later tonight. That's more fun than writing it in Word, anyway.

Seminary is great! The people are fantastic. I'm really enjoying everything about this time in my life. I am glad that I took some time off after undergrad, but this experience is going to take some serious getting used to.

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