Greek Shirt

Each year, the Hebrew and Greek students face-off weekly in an ultimate frisbee game. As part of this tradition, each class designs a t-shirt to wear during the matches. This year, I got to be an integral part of designing the shirt for the Greek class. I'll post pictures when we get the shirts back because I don't want to ruin the effect by showing it in black and white instead of white on green.

Anyway, the school normally orders these shirts from the same vendor every year. This vendor charges approximately $10 a shirt. Having some experience ordering screen printed shirts, I can tell you that this price is too high, several dollars too high, in fact. So, I priced shirts on the interweb and came up with $6.50 a shirt for high quality 100% cotton with printing on the front and back.

To be a team player (and comparison shopper), I sent our designs to the school employee in charge of ordering these shirts to let her know our plan and to ask her to get a quote for us, just in case we could get a better deal from the school's vendor. She sent back an email telling me not to order the shirts from a different vendor because the school would take care of that. I wonder if the people over in the "summer session" office realize that ordering t-shirts from the internet is fairly simple and it would be almost impossible for them to stop us from doing business elsewhere.

Basically, I think this is an issue of stewardship. If we can save $3.50 a shirt, we should do it. And, I think that I'll have enough support from my classmates that we will. It's amazing the things that school politics can affect.


Anonymous said...

Yeah - Cornell had an "approved vendors" list and we could only purchase things from the 'approved vendor' regardless of cost-effectiveness. BLAH!

Kate said...

Fortunately, since this is not an "official" shirt (it doesn't have PTS's name or insignia on it anywhere), the school can't really force us to do anything. If they try to get us to pay more I'm going to request that they subsidize the $3.50 savings.