Coffee Roaster 3

Coffee Roaster 3, originally uploaded by kate e. did.

I don't like coffee, but this picture of a roaster at a coffee shop I recently hung out in turned out nicely.

I recently got a book called "Understanding Exposure," which I've been getting great advice from on how to use the manual settings on my camera. Hopefully, my shots will just get better and better. Keep an eye out!


Anonymous said...

Remembe when you got back from Africa and tried to develope a roll of b/w film at Wallmart? I had a similar experience at Walgreens, they developed them as color and turned them purple some how. I'm not really sure how that worked, but i was pretty mad. I promptly informed them that i would no longer be developing film there.

Kate said...

Yeah, I remember that. And it's exactly the reason why digital completely rocks my world.